The risk of territorial submergence due to sea level rise and
some coping measures from hydrogeological and geotechnical viewpoints

Vơ Công Nghiệp

The global climatic change is threatening the life on our planet, in which Việt Nam is considered as one of 5 countries suffering most damages, first of all the risk of territorial submergence due to sea level rise. In the national level, the Government has adopted the “National Target Program on climate change adaptation” in order to form policies and coping measures according to various scenarios.

As scientific fields closely related to water resources, building lands and engineering technology, what tasks and measures should hydrogeology and geotechnics have to contribute to the fight against that natural calamity? In this paper, from his professional viewpoint, the author would like to propose some preliminary ideas to answer to the above question.

Ngày nhận bài:14/8/2009

Người biên tập: TS. Hoàng Anh Khiển

(Cục Địa chất và Khoáng sản Việt Nam)