Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics A.Ya. Usikov, NAS of Ukraine

Abstract: Methods and tools of remote acoustic diagnosis of the gas releases (mainly methane) from seabed are presented. The methods are based upon the effects of linear and nonlinear interaction between sound waves and gassy objects and upon the identification of their parameters due to the characteristics of backscattered signals. The results of field acoustic observations of gas sources in the Black Sea have been performed. The results confirm the effectiveness of the used models and engineering solutions which are the basis of the developed technology.

The phenomena of active gas release (mainly methane) from seabed are the important object of marine environment monitoring. It is known that gasing sources (or seeps) are widespread on the USA Pacific shelf, in the Gulf of Mexico, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Barents Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk and other oil and gas content regions.

They are one of mechanisms of methane saturation of the sea water and essentially influence the sea ecosystems [3, 5]. In coastal and shelf zones the intensive seeps ensure bubbles transport of methane into the atmosphere, which belongs to hot bed gas components. On the other hand, there is direct correlation (in global scale) between methane seeps amount and hydrocarbon resources in productive geological provinces [11]. Gassing sources usually attend the perspective deposits of oil and gas and may serve as an indicator for their prospecting.

The most adequate approach to the study of sea bed gassing activity in large water areas is the use of methods and tools of remote acoustic sounding from the board of vessel [1, 9, 14, 15].

These methods have been designed in Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, NAS of Ukraine, during last decade. In this work the results of this development are presented.


The methods are based upon the effects of linear and nonlinear interaction between sound waves and gas objects and upon the identification of their parameters due to the characteristics of backscattered signals at carrier and heterodyne frequencies.

The multichannel hydroacoustic complex (MHC) is designed using the three-sonar system of the research vessel “Kiev” and has the following characteristics:

Spectrum central frequencies: 3.2 kHz (LF channel); 20, 38, 75, 120 kHz (HF channels);

Sounding signals:     tonal-pulsing, biharmonic and linear frequency modulated (LFM) for LF channel;

Peak pulse power: 1…. 20 kW (LF channels); 1…. 5kW (HF channels)

Angular beam width: 10°(split beam for 3,2 and 38 kHz channels);

Depth resolution:     0.1 … 5 m;

Depth of the subsuperficial sounding of bottom sediments: 10-100 m (tonal-pulsing signals); 60-300 m (frequency modulated signals).

Besides sonars the complex includes: hydrophone set for receiving signals at heterodyne frequencies, digital system for data acquisition and processing, device for frequency modulated signals synthesis and GPS receiver. LF-channel of MHC is used for study of gas releases as well as sub-bottom acoustic profiler of sediments.

The software of MHC puts into practice:

- Management of complex operation;

- Preliminary processing of received signals (including the matched filtering of received modulated signals) in real time;

- Formation of object acoustic images (echograms) and their visualization in black-white or color palettes;

- Tracing the vessel maneuvering according to the navigation data;

- Determination of absolute levels of echo signals, evaluation of volume backscattering strength for linear and nonlinear measurement modes and also target  strength of  single bubbles , their sizes, rising velocity and shrinkage rate.

Mathematical models for interpretation of measurement results:

- Linear and nonlinear sound backscattering in gas flares [8, 12, 13];

- Gas bubble dynamics and gas exchange processes with ambient liquid [6, 10];

- Solving the sound backscattering inverse problem [10].


Acoustic observation of natural gas released from seabed using the MHC have been carried out in the northeast part and on wide areas of the northwest shelf and continental slope of the Black Sea during the cruises of R/V “Kiev” (Nov., 1995, Jun., 1997) and R/V “Professor Vodyanitsky” (Jul., 2001, Jul., 2004). During the expeditions more than 400 gassing sources have been discovered and investigated. We site some results of this investigation, which illustrate the abilities of acoustic methods and tools. In this context acoustic observations of a gas release are referred (following [15]) to as flares because of their flame-like appearance on the echograms.

Figs. 1-3

demonstrate the examples of the gas flares observed on the northwest shelf, on continental slope inflection and on continental slope of the Black Sea. The powerful flare on the shelf is formed by closely spaced gas jets which reach the sea surface with methane emission in the atmosphere (Fig. 1). Discrete pattern of gas emission structures in flares of continental slope inflection is well seen (Fig. 2). Single rising bubbles are well detected by HF-channels of MHC at short-pulse sounding (pulse duration 0.3-0.5 ms) and represented on echograms as sloping trajectories (tracks).

Fig. 3 illustrates the flare on continental slope near the phase boundary for pure methane hydrate in the Black Sea. The flare 560 m high is situated on seabed rising (anticlinal inflection), and its top reaches the oxic-anoxic interface.

The results of seabed LF sounding indicate that gas release in this region as a rule is controlled by disruptive disturbance. Fig. 4 demonstrates the profile of bottom sediments on the continental slope. We may see thin layer structure of shelf sediments and up-to-date tectonic disturbance of their continuity towards, which the methane emission has a certain attitude.

The echograms on Fig. 5 illustrates the geological structure of depressed syncline with gas flare over the circular disruption of sediment continuity.

      Figure 1. Echogram of gas flares on the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea
(HF-channel 38 kHz)

Figure 2. Echogram of gas flare group in the continental slope inflection area.

Figure 3. Echogram of flare on the northeast continental slope



Further digital processing of echo signals from gas bubbles and their clouds allows determining bubble-size distribution, rising velocity of bubbles versus their equivalent radius and finally methane fluxes from the seabed.

Sizes of bubbles and their rising velocity have been determined by direct measurements of acoustic cross-section of single bubbles and their depth versus observation time using bubble tracking technique [9, 10]. Sizes of bubbles are calculated from relationship between bubble backscattering cross-section, sound frequency, depth and equivalent bubble radius r with correction on nonsphericalness of large bubbles.

Figs. 6 and 7 show the results of such evaluation for gas releases in the Dnepr and the Kalanchak Paleo Delta areas. According to the obtained results the bubbles radii for these gassing areas vary from 0.4 to 7.6 mm with most probable value 1-3 mm, and bubble size distribution satisfactorily approximate by log-normal and exponential distribution laws.

Rising velocity spread substantially exceeds (especially in the interval  0.4-1.5 mm) the measurement errors (0.8 sm/c) stipulated by the degree of bubble pollution by surfactants which decrease bubble rising velocity by comparison to clean bubbles. The influence of surfactants on dynamics of large bubbles (>2.5 mm) is not significant.

The methane flux from seabed in gas flare is determined by acoustic sounding data as the following:


where  - flare square,  - volume bubble concentration in near-bottom layer (from acoustic measurements of volume backscattering strength and bubble cross section),  and  volume and rising velocity of bubbles with radius ,  - ordinate of bubble size distribution histogram in i radii interval.

Such calculations using field measurements data in the Dnepr and the Kalanchak Paleo Delta areas indicate that methane fluxes in the individual flares of this region vary from 0.03 to 360 l/min (SPT).

Effectiveness of gas release diagnostics substantially increases with the use of non-linear acoustic methods. These methods allow to select gas bubbles from scatterers of other nature (zooplankton, suspension etc) and to perform independent estimations of their concentration. The possibility of nonlinear reverberation observation (at doubled frequency of sounding signals) was shown during field measurements while intensive shelf flares sounding at frequencies of 3.2 and 38 kHz, and estimations of resonant bubbles concentration have been obtained [8, 9].

For evaluation of a bubble-mediated transport of methane from seabed to the atmosphere in the natural gas flares it is necessary to take into account the process of bubble gas exchange with the surrounding aqueous environment using mathematical models which describe these processes. The MHC software contains software module for solving this problem, on the basis of the model [10] which uses bubbles size and rising velocity acoustic measurements results as input data. Model calculations according to the results оf our observations of gas releases in the Black Sea showed that the amount of methane which reaches the atmosphere is significant (> 10 %  from initial) only for shallow sources (depth < 120 m) from oxic zone.


Remote acoustic sounding is the effective non-invasive tool to diagnostic of gas releases from seabed and to study their behavior in water column. The developed acoustic methods allow solving wide range of problems including search and mapping of gassing sources, study of their geology, determination of gassing field sizes, gas flares height as well as estimations of gassing sources productivity and methane fluxes from sea bed. Besides that, the results of acoustic measurements of bubbles size and rising velocity can be used (as the input data) for calculation of methane partial fractions dissolved in seawater and emitted into the atmosphere on the basis of models of bubble dynamics and their gas exchange with surrounding water at rising.

The results of field observation confirm the effectiveness of the used models and engineering solutions, which are the basis of the developed technology.

The application areas of developed technologies are: marine geology, oil and gas prospecting, the marine environment ecological control, oceanography.


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