The disease problems related to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)

Trần Tân Văn

Based on domestic and international literatures, the paper attempts to introduce to the Vietnamese reader a comprehensive overview on Endocrine disrupting chemicals - EDCs. The paper begins with a brief introduction on the endocrine system, EDCs’ definition, ways of EDCs’ impact and exposure as well as some issues remained to be answered before their negative impact could be firmly and properly concluded. In the following part, the paper summarizes current understandings about EDCs in Việt Nam and provides additional world knowledge about them. In the conclusions, the paper presents some world research directions for Vietnamese environmental geologists, or more correctly medical geologists, to consider so as to join hands in surveying, monitoring and studying, hence contributing to a better understanding of EDCs and their effects.

Ngày nhận bài: 25/05/2008

Người biên tập: Võ Công Nghiệp