Determining trans-horizontal velocity Vs and elastic parameters of rock and soil

by Multichannel Surface Wave method

Nguyn Nhật Kim Ngân, Nguyn Ngọc Thu, Đinh Quốc Tuấn

The article presents the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave method (MASW), is one of the the non-destructive geophysical methods, which does not require the boreholes in survey, to determine shear velocity Vs and the elastic parameters in surveying the work foundation. The result is presented in ID profile showing the change in shear velocity Vs following depth in MASW method. The results of MASW are conformable to petrographic component on borehole in the survey. Mean absolute error of Vs following every meter (depth) between MASW and down-hole is approximately 15.5%.

Người biên tập: PGS. TS Cao Đình Triều.