Some matters of quaternary geology in Nam BỘ plain on the base of

analyzing sediments - geomorphology

Vũ Văn Vĩnh, Nguyễn Huy Dũng, Trịnh Nguyên Tính, Trần Văn Nam

By three approaching ways- approach from seasoned present, morphological genetic series approach, Late Pleistocene depositional surface approach, this paper analyses, systematises, introduces: 1) System of 06 terraces -low plains levels, 06 sea-levels and their elevations in Nam Bo plain; 2) 06 morphological genetic series, absolute ages in 8000-6200 y.BP, 5.570±260 to 4.550±220 y.BP , 3760±55 to 2.780±140 y.BP, 2580±70 to 1.600±90 y.BP, 1.590±90 to 290±20 y.BP, 180 y.BP to now; 3) Depressing -upraising, moving degree of some faults after Late Pleistocene.

Người biên tập: TS. Ngô Quang Toàn.