Major results of geological - mineral investigation and technical activities of Northern Geological Mapping Division during the 2009-2014 period

           Vũ Quang Lân, La Mai Sơn, Trần Văn Long                                                              

During the 2009-2014 period, the technical activities of Northern Geological Mapping Division (NGMD) were significantly improved. Apart from regular works, the NGMD has also particitpated in Governmental projects and conducted many contracts in accordance with the tendency of product diversification. The results of basic geological investigation are 1:50 000 geological mineral map sheets, which meet national standards and contribute to the define many geological prolems as swell as to delineate many high risk of geological hazard areas together with proposal of prevention solutions. Many new findings of geology and mineral resources are practical and scientific important contributions. The Science-Technology research projects are parts of the Governmental project carried out by the Division all fulfilled the schedule, technical quality and have given new results of geology and mineral resources. The on time completion together with high quality of the Governmental subprojects significantly contributed to the success of the whole project.

In order to obtain such results, which have practical and scientific significance, the NGMD is always aware of human resources training by various ways.

The long term target of the techinal activities of the NGMD is developing a strong human resources, who are qualified in diversification of works in the long term and short term future.

Người biên tập: TS. Nguyễn Bá Minh.